Thursday 28 October 2010

Using energy to boost your mood

Ever have one of those days where no matter where you went or what you did something kept going wrong? We have all had one of those once or twice in a lifetime.  You know the kind... you get out of bed, stub your big toe, the hot water runs out in the shower, traffic jam on the way to work, grumpy work colleagues.  You get the picture.  Well, if you surrender to the grumpy vibes, then you will only attract more of the same. The reason for this is the law of attraction.  I know what you're thinking... I read The Secret, I know how to manifest things and a crappy day wasn't one of those things I desired.  Well perhaps it wasn't but if you surrender to the frustration, anger or bitterness, then you are aligning yourself and your energies with negative vibes. And as the Universe likes to humour us, as a result your day will continue to get worse as the hours go by if you get absorbed by the lower vibrations.
However, you have the power to change your reality and alter that day into a much better one. Easier said than done right? Well, maybe not as difficult as you may think.  You can raise your vibrations by simply accepting that your declining mood is a result of your vibrations/energy dropping. The solution you ask? Easy! Simply decide to to be unaffected by it all.  Change your mood, do something that makes you feel better.  By doing this you consciously raise energy levels and change the negative vibrations to lighter and better ones. 
I saw this happen the other day when I was out with my best friend.  It was pouring rain, cold, damp and nasty weather. But we did not let it get to us. We made the most of our time together by laughing and joking around. As we walked into the Tesco's store, our chipper moods remained the same.  Giggling and laughing as usual, a group of people stared at us wondering if we were drunk or something. As we approached the checkout, the cashier could not help but smile at us.  Our energy was infectuous.  Her grim attitude changed in seconds after listening to us banter and joke.  As we walked away she smiled at us and wished us a great evening.  I think we made hers...
Perhaps it was the fact that we looked like a bunch of teenage idiots laughing and giggling and we made her laugh. However I believe that she felt our aura, bubble of positive energy that surrounded us and in turn was uplifted. Isn't energy fabulous!!

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