Wednesday 27 October 2010

Energy and Healing... Does it really work?

Sensing energy may sound strange to some, but for myself, it's a very big part of everything I do.  When a person walks into a room I try to sense their mood, their energy and even their personality by simply opening up my senses.  So why is it so far fetched to heal illness or chronic pain with love, light or pure intent?  We are all made up of vibrating molecules that emit an energy field or aura around us and we can actually feel it! So by tuning into those vibrations, we can alter our lives.
Yes... believe it or not, anyone can sense it.  Seeing it is an another matter all together but when your in a room with lots of people, experiement a little with your sixth sense. Go on...try it. Try visualising in your head that there is a bubble of shimmering light all around you. And as you walk by people they can feel it and are either attracted or repulsed by it.  Certain individuals you will automatically be drawn to if they are happy, smiling or light.  Others you may dislike for no apparent reason.
I have taught my girls at an early age how to sense those around them and it makes reading people and situations so much easier. I don't think it's a coincidence that they are surrounded by good friends that make them laugh and smile. The energy in the house is light and cheerful when they are here. Laughter vibrations are high, as are moods. Its a nice time for people to raise their vibrations and feel how light and free they can be by simply tuning into surrounding energy.
By using this light energy, we can tap into it and even heal others. This energy/light/chi used in Reiki connects to the aura surrounding your body and you begin to feel warm and tingly.  I love that sensation.  It's the one thing that keeps me loving my job day after day.
So I invite you to try, just once and see just how energy is a big part of our lives by making that extra effort and try the experiment. It affects us, connects us and alters moods and makes your environment feel heavy or even frazzled.
Try it...go on and raise your vibrations...

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