When exactly does intuition kick in and lead you down the right path one may ask?? I wonder sometimes if mine is on the right channel or not. You know, those days when you get that butterfly feeling in your belly that you should be elsewhere. The one that instinctively urges you out of the fast lane seconds before a speeding car flies by. Others call it divine intervention or angelic assistance. Labels mean nothing to me because it all boils down to a sixth sense within us that makes us change direction instantly. It's the force that begins as a flicker of energy and evolves into a certainty, a real knowing from within. That my friends, is intuition at work. Not always easy to decipher, but a heck of a lot of fun once you recognise it!!
Once you master that, you can use your intuition for numerous things. To check whether you are on the right path, to ensure you are buying the right products for you or even for choosing a new mate. I use it in everything I do. You could almost refer to intuition as my sidekick. When meeting someone for the first time, I let my intuition guide me. We all make split second judgments the first time we meet new people. It's scientifically proven that we as humans decide whether or not we like a person within the first 3 seconds of seeing them. Instead of simply relying on your eyes, let your intuition kick in.
Not another one of her experiments you say. I have been known to teach a thing or two about intuition in my time on this planet... so just work with me people!!! :-) Moving on... the more you begin to use your sixth sense, the more adept you will be at relying on it. After a while, you will start to go with your gut more often than you realise. For one whole day, try using your intuition to make decisions. Rule of thumb is always go with the first answer that comes to you. Don't second guess or analyze either. Relax and calm your senses and have faith that the inner you can guide you along the right path. Martial artists and athletes do it without a second thought.
In the words of the phenomenal Bruce Lee: "Do not be tense, just be ready, not thinking but not dreaming, not being set but being flexible. It is being "wholly" and quietly alive, aware and alert, ready for whatever may come." That my friends is a bit of wisdom to lead you on your way...
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