In a previous blog, I rambled on about music and all of its wonderful benefits. This time I am going to entertain you with the subject of... silence. You must be saying to yourself: I think this woman is completely off her trolley. But no! I actually appreciate the silence once in a while. It is powerful and filled with numerous possibilities to perceive and feel energy. When you quiet your mind, you connect to to an inner peace and a magical place of well being. Within this silence exists an opportunity to raise vibrations and let your other senses awaken. As a blind person's hearing expands to compensate for their lack of sight, inner silence can help to develop and heighten your sixth sense.
Bruce Lee said: "Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water." This man understood the principle of silence and flowing with the universe. This state of Zen is one that can easily be tapped into by emptying your mind of all thoughts and worries. Easier said than done right? Well, maybe at first. However with practice, you can be tapping into Zen states before you know it! There is a spiritual awakening taking place on this planet, a call of the soul for that which has been missing or hidden from it, and causing us to pause and listen for the whisper. Take time to listen to the whisper, to feel the wind caress you, and know that you are not alone on the path. Trust, be still, and listen...
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