Sunday, 31 October 2010

Sending good vibes

Good vibes....gotta love the sound of that! It makes you want to smile. But what exactly do good vibes consist of? It's a question I get asked time and time again.  Is it the intent that counts or do you need to physically send your vibes? I believe it's a bit of both. You need to send a pure intentions of love and healing to the recipient, then see them receiving it.  And that is a beginning of an exciting love affair with magic.  It can be the easiest thing to do.
Once you have mastered the intention part, visualise the energy floating from your heart to theirs.  It actually becomes a sort of surgery for me; as my energy sinks into theirs layer by layer. These good vibes help others to heal themselves with the knowledge that someone is thinking of their welfare and wishing them better.  If the mere thought of someone healing you is therapeutic, then its not too far off.  Mind over matter is a scientific fact that we CAN heal ourselves if we believe it.  Think of all the people with cancer who have willed themselves well again.  It does happen more often that we realise.
Think of how important hope and faith is when you have hit rock bottom.  It is the one thing that people cling to.  So why wait until then to send someone in need some good vibes?  They don't have to ask you for help, you simply send them out to the Universe and let the magic begin.   By asking the Universe to help a friend, a family member or even a complete stranger you are sending out positive vibes all around you. It costs you nothing but positive intention and effort.  Nothing more nothing less.  How phenomenal does it make you feel to know you have helped someone out today?

Saturday, 30 October 2010

Feeling and moving energy... can you sense the magic?

A lot of people I know don't really "get" what I do for a living.  Some people believe I am a massage therapist, others think I am Reiki practitioner whereas the majority give me a blank stare when I say I am a holistic therapist.  What the heck is that, you may ask?  Well, I get my kicks out of playing with energy;  sensing it, moving it around and playing with it.  During a massage treatment, I feel tingling balls of energy moving around beneath my hands as they glide over skin.  Oh! wow your hands are  warming up, is usually the first thing my clients say during a session.  It's true that my hands get so hot that it feels like my insides are on fire but I get excited by the prospect of healing occurring at that very moment.
But nothing is better than doing a pregnancy massage...sigh.  For example, today was absolutely amazing: as my hands were gliding over a gorgeous round belly, the baby kept leaning up against my hands as they moved!! It felt so surreal to connect with a little human growing inside another woman's stomach. At that very moment, the power of touch was so blatantly evident to me:  it is healing, calming and exciting to connect with another person with the mere touch of a hand.
I LOVE MY JOB is all I can say right now.

Friday, 29 October 2010

Kids, monsters and other energy vampires

Don't panic... but there is something I need to share. A very frightful observation, but one I need to share nonetheless. Believe it or not, vampires DO exist!!  They are not the blood sucking, red eyed fiends we all believed existed but rather they are needy, annoying or stress-inducing creatures.  They are energy vampires.  You know the ones: they suck the energy out of you without you even noticing it's happening! Sometimes they may even disguise themselves as small children or teenagers. But beware, they are tricky. They look at you with puppy dog eyes, they smile (oh they are smooth) and before you know it, you are knee deep in it and wondering why every ounce of energy has disappeared from your body. You feel drained, exhausted and even moody... you have been attacked by "one of those" monsters.  
This brings me to the need for protection.  I know it sounds strange, but there is a need for people to become aware of the vampires around them.  It could be your boss, your work colleague, your friends, your kids.  Heck, it could even be your spouse!  Doesn't mean that you cannot be around these people, however it is crucial to protect yourself as much as possible before socialising with these beings.  Firstly, before throwing yourself into the fire, try surrounding yourself with an invisible bubble filled with light and positive thoughts.  This is always a good way to begin. Secondly, notice your own energy when the so called vampires are close to you.  Do you feel like you want to step back or not listen to them?  That's because their energy levels are vibrating on lower vibrations, therfore it feels uncomfortable or awkward.  Instead of uplifting your vibes, they suck the life force from you right under your nose.  They always seem to need your help, your time, your opinion, your ideas, your energy, your car, your money... see where I am going with this? Just smile and nod. And listen to your body: is it tense, are the muscles in your neck and shoulders tightening up or are you getting a headache? Your body is the best guide to how you are reacting to outside influences.
However, there is one exception to this rule: young children and babies do not fall under the vampire category.  They are here to amuse and torture adults simultaneously.  They're just one of those creatures you love unconditionally even though they wake you at 3 am because of a bad dream or belly ache.  Surround these small beings with love, patience and light and may the force be with you when the vampires arrive :-)

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Using energy to boost your mood

Ever have one of those days where no matter where you went or what you did something kept going wrong? We have all had one of those once or twice in a lifetime.  You know the kind... you get out of bed, stub your big toe, the hot water runs out in the shower, traffic jam on the way to work, grumpy work colleagues.  You get the picture.  Well, if you surrender to the grumpy vibes, then you will only attract more of the same. The reason for this is the law of attraction.  I know what you're thinking... I read The Secret, I know how to manifest things and a crappy day wasn't one of those things I desired.  Well perhaps it wasn't but if you surrender to the frustration, anger or bitterness, then you are aligning yourself and your energies with negative vibes. And as the Universe likes to humour us, as a result your day will continue to get worse as the hours go by if you get absorbed by the lower vibrations.
However, you have the power to change your reality and alter that day into a much better one. Easier said than done right? Well, maybe not as difficult as you may think.  You can raise your vibrations by simply accepting that your declining mood is a result of your vibrations/energy dropping. The solution you ask? Easy! Simply decide to to be unaffected by it all.  Change your mood, do something that makes you feel better.  By doing this you consciously raise energy levels and change the negative vibrations to lighter and better ones. 
I saw this happen the other day when I was out with my best friend.  It was pouring rain, cold, damp and nasty weather. But we did not let it get to us. We made the most of our time together by laughing and joking around. As we walked into the Tesco's store, our chipper moods remained the same.  Giggling and laughing as usual, a group of people stared at us wondering if we were drunk or something. As we approached the checkout, the cashier could not help but smile at us.  Our energy was infectuous.  Her grim attitude changed in seconds after listening to us banter and joke.  As we walked away she smiled at us and wished us a great evening.  I think we made hers...
Perhaps it was the fact that we looked like a bunch of teenage idiots laughing and giggling and we made her laugh. However I believe that she felt our aura, bubble of positive energy that surrounded us and in turn was uplifted. Isn't energy fabulous!!

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Energy and Healing... Does it really work?

Sensing energy may sound strange to some, but for myself, it's a very big part of everything I do.  When a person walks into a room I try to sense their mood, their energy and even their personality by simply opening up my senses.  So why is it so far fetched to heal illness or chronic pain with love, light or pure intent?  We are all made up of vibrating molecules that emit an energy field or aura around us and we can actually feel it! So by tuning into those vibrations, we can alter our lives.
Yes... believe it or not, anyone can sense it.  Seeing it is an another matter all together but when your in a room with lots of people, experiement a little with your sixth sense. Go on...try it. Try visualising in your head that there is a bubble of shimmering light all around you. And as you walk by people they can feel it and are either attracted or repulsed by it.  Certain individuals you will automatically be drawn to if they are happy, smiling or light.  Others you may dislike for no apparent reason.
I have taught my girls at an early age how to sense those around them and it makes reading people and situations so much easier. I don't think it's a coincidence that they are surrounded by good friends that make them laugh and smile. The energy in the house is light and cheerful when they are here. Laughter vibrations are high, as are moods. Its a nice time for people to raise their vibrations and feel how light and free they can be by simply tuning into surrounding energy.
By using this light energy, we can tap into it and even heal others. This energy/light/chi used in Reiki connects to the aura surrounding your body and you begin to feel warm and tingly.  I love that sensation.  It's the one thing that keeps me loving my job day after day.
So I invite you to try, just once and see just how energy is a big part of our lives by making that extra effort and try the experiment. It affects us, connects us and alters moods and makes your environment feel heavy or even frazzled.
Try it...go on and raise your vibrations...