Wednesday 12 September 2012

Fear...Our worst enemy

Your breath stops, your hands get cold and you get that dry sensation in your mouth… You feel your heart beating like crazy, you’re stomach is in knots and your whole body stiffens up. Recognize that feeling? It’s fear….  I am a big believer that human beings are motivated by two primal factors: fear or love. Almost every choice or action we make can be analyzed to be motivated by pleasure or pain. Either we choose a strategy to move away from something that we fear (pain) or move towards something we love (pleasure).

In these instances where fear possesses us, it is the ego which is afraid: it’s afraid of losing its power and control. We are afraid of getting hurt, of making fools of ourselves, of giving our opinions, of not being loved or being rejected. We fear the unknown… Our insecurities take over and we begin to act like self-doubting idiots, so we panic, and often overcompensate or act in illogical ways. At times we even manage to crowd or smother our loved ones with our desire to have them in our life, often forgetting how important their own personal space is. We forget that our actions affect others and can result in overstepping boundaries.

Fear of losing something or someone triggers us to react without consciously thinking, so we end up acting like insecure teenagers regretting our unusual behaviour afterwards. It’s often the things or people that matter most to us that cause us the most uncertainty.  I’ve found myself guilty of acting foolishly faced with my own uncertainties and losing sight of other people’s boundaries and personal needs.  

Uncertainty breeds irrational behaviour... I believe it’s ok to feel fear as long as you have enough courage to dance with it rationally.  In a nutshell, fear makes us do stupid things...  Being rational, when you are in a state of fear however, is easier said than done.   As humans, we generate possible outcomes to the problems in our heads (most of which unnerve us with how negative these outcomes could be) so we activate the “worry engine”.  If we don’t stop this process, we often latch onto imaginary scenarios, and begin to treat that “potential future” as a reality –which turns it into a doom’s day movie in our mind. We proceed by repeatedly scaring ourselves with negative thoughts, and we begin acting as if those thoughts are real, instead of just an internal fear. We become obsessed with worse case scenarios and the what if’s… Result: pure stupidity 99% of the time.

We must remember that past experiences may fuel our inner fears, but we are not bound to them eternally. We can take control of our thoughts and acknowledge that they are just that: mere thoughts. They don’t have to take over and turn us into psychopaths.

 On a martial art path to freedom, enlightenment or whatever we aim for, it’s normal to experience fear in different areas of our life. The skills and abilities we gain as martial artists should be applied to everything we consciously do every day. Once again, I am guilty these days of not following my true path of "mu shin". (It is a state of mind without fear, anger, or anxiety)  However I believe we are all guilty of this at some point throughout our journey. As our behaviours are not cut in stone, we can adapt and change the way we react to fear.  By facing it head on, whilst taking a step back to get a better perspective, we can sail through the unknown unaffected by our crazy thoughts.

When they do arise (and believe me they will) we just have to remember to stop, clear our minds and breathe ….

Sunday 24 July 2011

The simple pleasures

Why is it that the simplest things sometimes stand out and mean more to us than we realise? We spend our lives continuously awaiting for the day when "X" happens in order to be happy... when all along we are missing the excitement of the whole journey.

Sitting outside in the sun today, I realised how wonderful it felt when the rays hit my skin. It was almost like it melted into my soul and uplifted my whole mood. There were no fireworks or alrms going off, simply the realisation of how good I felt at that very moment.  Could it be? Was I really just buzzing with positive energy over the mere feeling of the sun against my ski? Yep, I can honestly say I was contented. Or when I stood in the kitchen watching my beautiful daughters teasing their grandmother about her hearing aid and she was oblivious to the whole thing. The giggling and smiles were contagious. Yep....there's another "ahhhhhh" moment. Or the feeling of holding a newborn baby against your bare chest; their little heart beating against yours. Need I say it? Another "ahhhhhh" moment...

We spend our lives working long hours, juggling finances, raising kids and waiting for the day when we can allow ourselves to be happy.  Happiness is all around us if we take the time to acknowledge and enjoy the little moments.  Life is too short to focus on the negatives in our lives.  It consumes us, and sucks the life energy out from within if we let it take control.

Enjoy your family, your friends and loved ones because time becomes the past before we know it and in a blink of an eye, moments have slipped away and we're back to square one. Cherish the times when you are doubled over in laughter, giggling like a child and losing all capacity to keep a straight face... if anything, it's one step closer to happiness......

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Connecting with the human spirit

In a world where the media bombards us with tales of destruction and atrocities isn't it refreshing to positively connect with another human spirit? The negative messages that surround and penetrate our mind and soul can have a monumental effect on how we connect with others. It has been my personal experience that only few can see past the state of chaos and indulge in connecting with another fellow being.  Truly connecting can lift our spirit to a level where, for a brief moment, everything else disappears into the background. We are so much more than just physical beings and I believe that we are guilty for forgetting our true inner self.  You know what I mean... it's that part of us that yearns for a spiritual connection that bonds us. It's that very moment when you are talking to someone and they really "get" you, or when you look into their eyes they seem to see the real you within. 

It is said that the eyes are the doorway to the soul... I believe this wholeheartedly.  The eyes do not lie. Let me explain: when you are attracted to someone your pupils dilate and there's nothing you can do to control it, as it is how the human body reacts to your state of being. When the spirit recognises another spirit a link seems to emerge; you step out of your comfort zone and let down any barriers or reservations you hold. That brief moment where you are at your most vulnerable is when your spirit soars.  We are a race that is fueled by affection, acceptance and love and it is the eternal quest for most. We are not designed to be solitary or live an isolated life.  This is what sets us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom.

We have the ability to connect to each other's spirit. So I urge you to take the leap and connect with someone who makes you smile. If anything, it will raise your vibrations. You never know... you just might see a spark ignite...

Sunday 12 December 2010

Take your breath away...

Isn't it fabulous how one simple gesture can send your whole being into another state altogether? This very act quickens your heartbeat, dilates your pupils and raises your energy vibrations. What on earth am I talking about you ask?  I am describing the most delicious, beautiful and yummy thing that two people can do.  The dictionary defines it as "the act of pressing one's lips against the lips or other body parts of another". Yep, you guessed it; it's the power of a kiss. You know the one. It's "that" kiss... the one that takes your breath away and makes you forget where you are. It's that brief instant when lips touch and both spirits connect into one smooth flow of energy.  That my friends, is the one thing in this world that makes my knees weak...
Now I am definitely not talking about the face-covering, tongue-crazed wet kiss where you feel like you are in a Star Wars movie and you have been smothered by Jabba the Hutt.  Ewwww!! The kiss I am on about is the one where you completely lose yourself in the moment... the warm sensation of your partner's lips brushing against yours... the slow build up of energy as your heart beats faster... the complete surrender to the intensity of that feeling.  It literally leaves you breathless.  Hell, I would even give up chocolate for one of those kisses! :-)  I believe that when you kiss like that, you gently explore each other's energy/spirit and raise vibrations to a higher level.  I guess a little bit of bliss has its benefits!
Sure money and riches in large amounts can make you feel kinda blissful as well, but there is something quite magical about the human touch: it releases your spirit to mingle with others. Kind of like releasing your energy from its constrictive shell and letting it out to play.
Back to the basics, people!! Never forget that it's the simple things in life that are often the most exquisite. If you have experienced the sweet exchange of lips against lips even for a short moment, then and only then, have you truly lived the human experience...
Go ahead... let yourself go.

Monday 6 December 2010

Strength... an inner quest to change the world

A wise friend of mine once told me that power is not about taking action or displaying brute force: inner strength often lies in the capability to be passive or silent in moments of chaos.  The ability to stand back and simply observe without reacting can have an immense impact and can create the most change around you.  Using inner strength means that you don't necessarily have to take any action at all.  It's all about perception and taking a stand by simply being.
Some perceive the martial artist to be a true picture of strength, agility and balance. Yet a true warrior knows that fighting is always the last resort; he trains for years so that he does not have to fight.  A hard idea to grasp isn't it? Actually it isn't... "Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered, those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid. Thus the wise win before the fight, while the ignorant fight to win" - Sensei Ueshiba.  When you break it down, it's all a state of mind.
I have met many people in my lifetime who consider themselves to be strong.  Yet only a very small percentage of these people managed to blow me away.  Calmness, self control and wisdom win me over hands down.  It takes an immense amount of true inner strength to walk away from a pointless battle and know when to back down.  That constitutes a strong individual.  It isn't always about winning or physical's about knowledge and balance.  "To win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the highest skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the highest skill."- Sun-Tsu 
So what am I building up to, you ask? Well, it is my belief that we are able to change the state of the world with knowledge, patience, balance and a collective inner strength.  It is my personal quest to develop this state of being in all areas of my life. So I welcome anyone to try and take a quiet stand and make a difference...Wanna join my revolution?  :-)

Saturday 27 November 2010

Laugh so hard... that you forget the bad and focus on the good

So we are back again with my favourite subject in the whole universe...LAUGHTER!!! Yes I can admit it: laughter is my weakness.  Well it's actually the giggles that make me weak and smiling from ear to ear like a flaming idiot.  But that is beside the point.  So why, you may ask, does it feel so wonderful to laugh? Is it the fact that we raise our vibrations or is it because it's so uplifting to be around happy people. To be honest, I really don't mind because when I am having a challenging day, nothing helps to raise my energy more than having a good laugh.
I think this may be one of the only things in this world that I find addictive.  There are instances when even the giggle of a small child can set me off.  Most of the time however it's when my friend Rachel is talking to me in some strange foreign accent about absolute rubbish.  She's good like that! :-) We simply have to look at each other and burst out laughing.  You know what I mean... those instances when you laugh so hard you forget all the stressful issues in your life and focus on how alive you feel at that very second. These fabulous spurts of pure madness are essential to our well being and sanity.
These are the moments I etch into my heart and spirit; they are the memories I hold on to when things are running me down.  It's also very useful ammunition when it's time to mock your mates!   I know I have done my part to provide my friends with flashes of pure insanity to stock up on. I just hope they deleted those dodgy videos and pictures.... lol  (Note to self: check Rachel's phone for evidence of stupidity)
So smile like you are an absolute nutter and laugh whenever you have the opportunity to do so. I recommend it on a regular basis. Trust me... I know a thing or two about insanity :-)

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Beauty in silence....

In a previous blog,  I rambled on about music and all of its wonderful benefits. This time I am going to entertain you with the subject of... silence.  You must be saying to yourself: I think this woman is completely off her trolley.  But no! I actually appreciate the silence once in a while.  It is powerful and filled with numerous possibilities to perceive and feel energy.  When you quiet your mind, you connect to to an inner peace and a magical place of well being.  Within this silence exists an opportunity to raise vibrations and let your other senses awaken.  As a blind person's hearing expands to compensate for their lack of sight, inner silence can help to develop and heighten your sixth sense.

Bruce Lee said: "Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water."  This man understood the principle of silence and flowing with the universe.  This state of Zen is one that can easily be tapped into by emptying your mind of all thoughts and worries.  Easier said than done right? Well, maybe at first.  However with practice, you can be tapping into Zen states before you know it! There is a spiritual awakening taking place on this planet, a call of the soul for that which has been missing or hidden from it, and causing us to pause and listen for the whisper. Take time to listen to the whisper, to feel the wind caress you, and know that you are not alone on the path. Trust, be still, and listen...