Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Connecting with the human spirit

In a world where the media bombards us with tales of destruction and atrocities isn't it refreshing to positively connect with another human spirit? The negative messages that surround and penetrate our mind and soul can have a monumental effect on how we connect with others. It has been my personal experience that only few can see past the state of chaos and indulge in connecting with another fellow being.  Truly connecting can lift our spirit to a level where, for a brief moment, everything else disappears into the background. We are so much more than just physical beings and I believe that we are guilty for forgetting our true inner self.  You know what I mean... it's that part of us that yearns for a spiritual connection that bonds us. It's that very moment when you are talking to someone and they really "get" you, or when you look into their eyes they seem to see the real you within. 

It is said that the eyes are the doorway to the soul... I believe this wholeheartedly.  The eyes do not lie. Let me explain: when you are attracted to someone your pupils dilate and there's nothing you can do to control it, as it is how the human body reacts to your state of being. When the spirit recognises another spirit a link seems to emerge; you step out of your comfort zone and let down any barriers or reservations you hold. That brief moment where you are at your most vulnerable is when your spirit soars.  We are a race that is fueled by affection, acceptance and love and it is the eternal quest for most. We are not designed to be solitary or live an isolated life.  This is what sets us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom.

We have the ability to connect to each other's spirit. So I urge you to take the leap and connect with someone who makes you smile. If anything, it will raise your vibrations. You never know... you just might see a spark ignite...